So,Share Your Story

We’re asking you to share your labelling stories. Call out the BS names that people
have called you because you’re a woman.

Labels confine and stereotype us. They limit our potential and shape how we and others
see ourselves.

Society has labels for all occasions (like Hallmark but mean).

Too much






Whether it’s about gender, race, sexuality, lived experience, age or something else, words have power. The only way to shoot them down is to CALL IT OUT.


When you call it out, you can challenge the narrative. 

Speaking Up Feels Good…

America Ferrera’s iconic Barbie speech is a battle cry. It calls out the contradictions and tightrope women are expected to walk in society.


And the world wanted it. It was received as ‘powerful, cathartic, glorious and empowering’ by millions..

Ready to Be Seen and Heard?

Send us your 100-word story about your label.

Tell us about when you were called it.

How it made you feel.

And how you’re reclaiming or rejecting the label.

 We’ll share the stories on our website and social media to spark conversations. You
can share anonymously or with your name and picture—it's your call. 
